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"Digital First" changes everyone...
Turn your audience into leaders!
Dan Abelow is the "Digital First Guide" to:
Today, every attendee wants it all.
Now Dan Abelow, the Digital First Guide, shows your audience how to get ahead of the giant platforms, and take the lead in their fast-arriving Digital First World.
Add Dan as your "Digital First Guide"
Make tomorrow real for your audience, by showing them how to lead it.

How will Digital First change everything?
What will our Digital First Earth be? Which technologies will drive it? How will you live, work, learn and play?
Dan's foresight is valuable. His innovations have been licensed by over 550 companies that include Apple, Google and Microsoft. His patents have been cited over 3,000 times by other patents.

How will you live, work and do business?
Our always-on world will not be what you expect. Here's how to give yourself and your company the super-powers you will need.
Dan has added hundreds of UX (User Experience) advances, helping grow the revenues of products and services by billions of dollars.

How can you get ahead and take the lead?
Tech's giant platforms have only won for today. New disruptions are coming.
For example, Dan's latest Expandiverse Technology helps build a Digital First Earth. The Expandiverse has been cited over 800 times by R&D leaders like Microsoft (70 citations), Samsung, IBM, Oracle, Google, Amazon, Apple, Intel, Bill Gates (8 of his new patents), and more.
See your "Digital First Guide" now...
Dan would love to create a custom keynote, briefing or webinar that fits you perfectly.
What's your ideal? Let's make it real.
(Click to watch; can expand to Full Screen)
Delivered in Brazil, at an international business conference
(31:47 length)
Vision Keynote
Our Crisis of Success and Journey to Greatness
Billions of people expect unlimited growth and consumption for centuries, creating an unavoidable Cataclysm of climate change, depleted resources, inequality and superior artificial intelligences.
This self-made Crisis of Success will force us on a Journey to Greatness. We no longer have a choice: We must add the new super powers of a sustainable "Digital First Earth."
This is our unavoidable journey: Either reach Greatness or fail from our successes.
How will your audience reach sustainable greatness? Who and what are they about to become?
(Click to watch; can expand to Full Screen)
Delivered in France at ITES (IT European Summit), to an audience of CIOs, CTOs and Innovation Managers.
(21:58 length)
TechCast published an article about this speech, along with a recording of it, "Another E-Commerce Revolution is Coming" (TechCast is a Washington, D.C., think tank that assists business and government leaders with strategic technology planning,)
E-Consumption is a People First platform to replace surveillance advertising and e-commerce, with protection and self-chosen quality lives.
TED-like Keynote
Platforms of the Future
At ITES (IT European Summit), Abelow presented today's crucial decision to corporate leaders: Will they be ruled by giant Corporate First platforms? Or will they lead a People First future where every company and person rises to the top?
Dan showed them how to start an age of E-Consumption. Here's how to link to always-on customers directly, bypassing the giant platforms.
Every company can secure their markets and block both competitors and surveillance platforms. They, not the giant platforms, will lead. They will help improve the lives of billions in years, instead of generations.
(Click to watch; can expand to Full Screen)
Based on Dan Abelow’s keynote that opened The Conference Board’s Enterprise Digital Transformation Council in New York
(41:09 length)
CXO Executive Briefing
Silver Bullet Innovations for Digital Transformations
Which innovations will move your markets and put your company in the lead?
New 24×7 super-powers will connect your company inside every digital step by your customers, suppliers, employees and partners.
You will know where, when, and how your products and services are used. You will deliver directly to your connected consumers 24x7. This will revolutionize digital marketing, slash advertising expenses, and streamline your supply chain's speed, accuracy and costs.
When you deliver success during every product touch, you will raise your brand value and vendor strengths above competing companies and platforms.
(Click to watch; can expand to Full Screen)
Delivered at GE Headquarters, to Beth Comstock, Chief Marketing Officer, and her global staff
(Excerpt: 5:06 length)
Senior Executive Briefing
Are you thinking big enough?
Start from today’s most advanced best practices. That’s GE, a founder and builder of industry's digital future.
How will you grow when you see your company's new opportunities on a fully Digital Earth?
How much will you surpass today?
(Click to watch; can expand to Full Screen)
What steps will enable your audience to disrupt and take the lead from tech's giant platforms?
(Excerpt: 17:54 length)
Webinar Excerpt
3 steps to lead tomorrow’s Digital Earth
Tech's giant platforms have only won for today. New disruptions are coming.
Just because Google, Facebook and Amazon win today's wars for advertising revenues, content displays, and digital commerce, they haven't won the future.
As new exponential growth options arrive, here's how you can use new advances to disrupt both the giant platforms and your competitors.
Now is the time to get ahead, and prepare your strategy and platform to take the lead from the giant tech platforms.
About Dan Abelow

Dan is an independent inventor, author, speaker, and technology consultant. He holds degrees from Harvard and the Wharton School of Business.
His latest invention, the Expandiverse, is new technology for building a people-first Digital Earth. Its first patent filings have already been cited over 800 times by subsequent patents. Dan’s previous patents were licensed by over 550 corporations that include Apple, Google, Samsung Electronics, Microsoft and others.
In addition, he has developed hundreds of UX advances for industry-leading companies.
Digital technologies are changing life, work, learning and entertainment forever.
Dan brings you new abilities to anticipate, innovate, implement and lead. Some of his contributions include:
New technology to build the People
First Digital Earth, with over 800 patent citations
The People First stage that replaces surveillance
advertising and one-platform e-commerce
Add Dan and transform your event!
Make yours the leading event!
Dan can add a custom online video, eBook, website walkthrough, social sharing and knowledge center.
Here's an example from E-Consumption:
Custom edited keynote as an online resource from your event (see this one at the top of E-Consumption.com)

Social Sharing and Marketing
25 to 40 image posts that you can schedule as a social campaign, or as individual posts